Bit of Fun mascot the Jester Queen

Your Lovely Head

Video Credit:      Sent in by: db

Who, What and How

The music is by Goldfrapp, the song is Lovely Head off of her 1st album.

The visualization graphic was created by Robert Hodgin ( Flight 404 ) using a application called Processing which is available as Open-Source software.
Editing to remove the blocky output of the original.flv video and reduce the over all file size was accomplished by using a free video editor called Avidemux to output the video as jpg images. After cleaning the images with Corel. Avidemux was again used to upload the images.

Media Coder which is also free, turned out to have the better encoding capabilities and was used to encode the video. All in all a fairly time consuming process. But valuable lessons were learned.


  • music
  • Graphic
  • Impact