Bit of Fun mascot the Jester Queen

Stupid Laws from Missouri

It is not illegal to speed.

In this small town of only 4,000, yard waste may be burned any day except Sunday. (Buckner)

Hard objects may not be thrown by hand. (Excelsior Springs)

Worrying squirrels will not be tolerated. (Excelsior Springs)

Minors are allowed to buy shotguns however, they may not purchase cap pistols. (Kansas City)

Installation of bathtubs with four legs resembling animal paws is prohibited. (Kansas City)

Minors can buy rolling paper and tobacco but not lighters. (Marceline)

It is illegal for more than four unrelated persons to occupy the same dwelling (The Brothel Law). (Marquette)

Frightening a baby is in violation of the law. (Mole)

It shall be unlawful to provide beer or other intoxicants to elephants. (Natchez)

Dancing is strictly prohibited. (Purdy)

It's illegal to sit on the curb of any city street and drink beer from a bucket. This law refers back to the extinct Italian celebration, Hill Day, when beer was served in buckets. (St. Louis)

A milk man may not run while on duty. (St. Louis)

No person may own a PVC pipe. (University City)

No person may have a "yard sale" in their front yard. In addition to this, no person shall have more than two yard sales a year. (University City)

Houses may not have lights on them that shine into the window of a neighbor's house. (University City)

It is illegal to request for someone to "watch over" your parked car. (University City)

One may not honk another's horn. (University City)

Four women may not rent an apartment together. (University City)