Sharing Humor, Beauty and Art

Jimmy O. Yang - Hot Asian Chick
Being a small thin Asian guy, comedian Jimmy O. Yang has a certain look that can be a little confusing to some. Even though he says he's fit and muscular, because of his long hair guys coming up behind him think he is an Asian girl.
In English pubs, ale is ordered by pints and quarts… So in old England , when customers got unruly, the bartender would yell at them ‘Mind your pints and quarts, and settle down.’It’s where we get the phrase ‘mind your P’s and Q’s’.

Do Larger Breasts Equal Bigger Tips?
MythBusters takes on the myth that women with larger breasts receive better tips - spoiler it turns out to be true.

Clairvoyant Potty Prank
These pranksters set up a booth at the mall posing as fortunetellers, but when the victim's eyes are closed they disappear, and leave the victim sitting on a toilet.
Short Jokes
What sound does a 747 make when it bounces?
Boeing Boeing Boeing
Asked a Computer technician "How do you make a motherboard?"
He said, "Tell her about my job."
What do you call a Mexican bodybuilder who runs out of protein?
No Whey José.

Amazing Natural Crystal Cathedral
Far underground in Mexico, are the largest crystals ever discovered.
Red Bull was created in Thailand in 1976 as an energy drink for truck drivers.

Sensual Cover of 'Creep'
Amos performed the electrifying female version of 'creep' during the ''Lizard Lounge'' section of her recent New York City show. A very unsusual, sensual, even scary Cover of 'Creep'.

George - All the offers
All the offers and all the promises mean nothing as George Carlin shines humorous light on advertising.
Three Englishman go into a Pub
They sit down at a small round table and order three warm beers. They're sitting there drinking them when one of them notices an Irishman at the bar.
"See that Mick over there? I'm gonna go rile him up." So he goes over to him and says "Hey mate I hear your Saint Patrick was a pussy!"
The Irishman looks up from his beer and says "Ye don't say? Thanks for tellin me." The Englishman goes back to his pals.
"Let me give it a try," says the next guy. He goes over to the Irishman and says "Hey mate, I heard your Saint Patrick was a transvestite!"
The Irishman looks up from his beer. "Well fancy that! Thanks for the information my buy!"
The Englishman slinks back to his seat.
"You guys don't know how to tick off an Irishman!" The third guy says. "Watch this." He goes over to him and says "Hey pal I heard Saint Patrick was English!"
The Irishman turns to him and says "Yeah that's what yer mates were tellin me!"

Sponge Feeding Demonstration
An interesting demonstration of how a sponge cycles water through its body to feed on plankton.

Arguing with Black Girls
According to this comedian, White girls give up too easily, Mexican girls start speaking Spanish, but Black women see an argument as an opportunity to kick some butt.
Unlike other cells, which contain an individual's full DNA, the egg and sperm each contain only half of the DNA required to create a new human. Both halves must be combined for humans to reproduce.
DNA, the basic building block of life, is a long molecule containing four chemical bases: adenine (A), guanine (G), thymine (T), and cytosine (C).

Compilation of Clips - Graham Norton
A humorous compilation of clips including David Beckham trolling his son's social media account, Jack Black trying to explain Elton John's lyrics to Elton John, and a lot more.
Blonds and Hand Grenades
Two Blonds find three hand grenades and decide they should take them to the nearest police station.
One asked, "What if one explodes before we get there?"
Said the other: "We'll lie and say we only found two."

Left Brain - Right Brain
Through the magic of comedy Bo's left brain is separated from his right brain for this humorous sketch. .

If The Lottery Was Honest
It seems simple, all you have to do is pick a couple of random numbers sit back and wait for your ship to come in
"Surprise me" were the last words of the 100 year-old, legendary comedian Bob Hope, responding to his wife's question regarding where he would like to be buried.

Bill Burr's Solution To Environmental Problems
A humorous but impractical solution to overpopulation. Still the thought of getting rid of all those cruise ships could be a bright spot.

Responsible Drinking
In what seemed like a good idea at the time, Steve Carell tested the effects of overindulgence while Steve Colbert recorded the results.
''I won a math debate''
Try saying ''I won a math debate'' real fast - 5 times.
Was anyone listening? Did you break into laughter?

Choice for Values Candidate
A humorous parody of values candidates. Stephen Fry gets nominated as a candidate of choice.
While the population of males is slightly greater than females worldwide (98.6 women for every 100 men), there are roughly four million more women than men in the U.S. In the age 85-and-older category, there are more than twice as many women as men currently living in the United States
Just think guys - your odds will get better.
Humorous Shorts
I decided that becoming a vegetarian was a missed steak.
It took me a long time to learn gardening. It was a process of trowel and error.
To all those guys who moan and whine about how difficult it is to cultivate apples, I say: "Grow a pear.""