Sharing Humor, Beauty and Art
We Must Invade France
In a humorous comedy skit, Mr. Bean explains why it is imperative that UK invade France to restore the British Empire.
Doctors Recommendation
The Patient wasn't too happy with his doctors recommendation to cure his constant fatigue.
You want me to give up sex completely, Doc? he cried. I'm a young guy I'm in the prime of my life.
How do you expect me to give up sex and go cold turkey?
Well, replied the doctor, you could get married and taper off gradually.
The gunfighter - (voice by Nick Offerman)
A narrator sets up the story of a lone gunslinger who walks into a saloon. However, the people in this saloon can hear the can hear the narrator, and he shares way too much personal information.
Parking a Smart Car
Patrons in the pub look out the window and laugh their butts off, as a smart-car driver has difficulty parking.
Sliced bread was only patented in 1954.
I Said Bitch - Key & Peele
Two men trade stories about arguing with their wives and setting them straight all the while making sure that their wives don't hear a word they are saying.
I Went Out With a Girl
I once went out with a girl who had fiery red hair and a pale, thin body.
I met her on
I went with a girl whose last name was Match, but it didn't work out.
I called her Miss Match.
16 pennies stacked equals 1 inch and 16 pennies in a line equals 1 foot.
Amazon Echo - Silver
The Amazon Echo Silver is specifically designed for the greatest generation, a generation that is getting a little older, a little harder of hearing, and a lot more forgetful.
The adult human has two to nine pounds of bacteria in his or her body. Every day, you consume more bacterial cells than there are human cells in your system. Your body has fought ten trillion battles without your knowledge and the fact that you are reading this post means that you have won every single one
The Greatest Speech Ever Made
The greatest speech ever made was not made by a politician, a soldier, or a statesman.
Air Tag
Some beautiful aerial scenery as fighter pilots strap in a couple of video cameras and head off into the skies for a game of air tag
Water Pistol
When my three-year-old son opened the birthday gift from his grandmother, he discovered a water pistol. He squealed with delight and headed for the nearest sink.
I was not so pleased. I turned to Mom and said, ''I'm surprised at you. Don't you remember how we used to drive you crazy with water guns?''
Mom smiled and replied, ''Yes dear - I remember very well...''
Your Brain on Marijuana
A little bit of the science behind what happens when the human brain interacts with marijuana.
Into The Atmosphere
Interesting atmospheric conditions, from the state of California and it's beautiful deserts, mountains and coastlines.
Sex really can relieve a headache – it releases the tension, which restricts blood vessels in the brain.
6th Grade Sleepover
These guys humorously re-enact what it was like back in the 6th grade when they had sleepovers.
Shark Feeding Frenzy
Cape Lookout National Seashore off the coast of North Carolina was the site for a shark feeding frenzy. Hundreds sharks were attacking a school of blue fish. Seagulls and pelicans joined in on the meal.
A tough looking group of bikers were riding when they saw a girl about to jump off a bridge, so they stopped. The leader, a big burly man, gets off his bike and says, "What are you doing?"
"I'm going to commit suicide," she says.
While he did not want to appear insensitive, but he didn't want to miss an opportunity. He asked "Well, before you jump, why don't you give me a kiss?" So, she does and it was a long, deep lingering kiss.
After she's finished, the biker says, "Wow! That was the best Kiss I have ever had. That's a real talent you are wasting. Why are you committing suicide?"
"My parents don't like me dressing up like a girl......
Louis strikes out with Paltrow
Louis has a humorous story of how he screwed-up his opportunity with Gwyneth Paltrow.
Strongest Girl in the World
This little girl managed to get so many donations that nobody can even lift the buckets full of coins... except her.
Blue whales are the largest animal that ever lived – larger than the largest dinosaur!
Bear Needed a Rest
After raiding trash cans and bird-feeders this black bear found a nice hammock for a much needed rest.
Funny Love Masks
Humorous ventriloquist calls two people from the audience, fits them with masks, and has them do a love scene.
A mosquito has 47 sharp “teeth” on its proboscis.
Little Girl and The Seal
Seal and little girl are playing a little game. Watch the seal when she trips and falls.
The Jester
The jester struggles to free himself...
but he is up to his knees in muck. With each nervous joke he sinks deeper and deeper, "Oh my god, I'm in quip sand!"