If you have suggestions or comments about the hunk of the day page, drop us an email.
Please put " attn Dedra or Angie " in the subject line and send it to bitoffun (at ) earthlink (dot) net
Hunk of the day
Fair is fair so now Bit of Fun brings you the Hunk of the Day. These beefcake pictures feature guys that take care of them selves. You won't find any hairy backs or spare tires on this page. If you want to get to the meat of matter, so to speak try the series below.
Sexy Close-up hunk of the day Photos
Close ups of some of the best male models around with a little bit of erotic photography
thrown in here and there.
For the Girls Photo of the day
Sometimes it's a romantic couple setting the tone for the way it should be. Sometimes it's a gorgeous
hunk with definition to die for. For the girls photo of the day is sometimes a teaser, but always a pleaser
NSFW Hunk of the day Photo
If you're at work I wouldn't suggest opening this link. Also you might not want to open it around your significant other if he is easily intimidated. On the other hand he may be appreciative of your mood after you see these ;-)
Strange News - True stories straight off the wires
An Entertaining Read

The fun side of the internet.